September Board Minutes

Chuck Lindsey, OVR PCA Secretary

Board Meeting, Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 at Wooden Cask Brewing

Attending Officers:

Vice President: Gerardo Nucete, Secretary: Chuck Lindsey

Attending Committee Chairs:

Technical: Rich Rosenburg, Member at Large: Mike Valentine, Ambassador: Kandiss Ruggiero, Web Site: Paul Sonoda

Attending Members and Guests:

Lakshmi Sammarco, Van Nianouris, John N. Berry, Lee Duncan, David Toney, Dan Fay, Tammy Pies, Varelle Marshall, Younce Alexancer, Michael Weston, Paul Kunkel.

Call to Order

7:10 p.m. by Vice President Gerardo Nucete.  Welcome to all attendees.

Presidents Report:  

No report.

Vice President: 

Vice President Nucete asked for a motion to approve the last months Board meeting; motion made by Mike Valentine and seconded by Chuck Lindsey, motion passed.  There have been lots of events this year and tremendous efforts to get volunteers to support all the activities.  The club is still looking for more volunteers as we can use the help.  OVR PCA has had a successful year and summer with many new faces and member participation.  There have been great turnouts from entire region from all corners of OVR PCA.  Focus is on attracting and retaining new members, family events, wine events and more social activities.  The job of the Vice President is to ensure insurance coverage on all events.  We have an upcoming Mason Heritage Parade event on September 21st, including fireworks. The White Allen Porsche club HPDE collaboration brought a race car to the Wyoming Exotic Wheels & Wine event to help publicize our HPDE events.  Club continues to reach out to embrace all models, Macan, Cayanne and not just 911’s.  Goal is integration and inclusion of all models of the “Porsche Family”.


No report.


Secretary Lindsey reminded all attendees to please sign in for accurate count of attendance at our meetings.  Thanks to all who attended the September 7th Taste of Harrison event. Had over 55 Porsche cars and crowd attendance estimate was 8,000 attendees. The event was a great success.

Committee Reports

Autocross: No report.

Concours: No report.

Driver Education:  The Autumn Thunder HPDE event at Mid-Ohio is in October.  We have 110 registrations to date. We are looking for sponsor money and additional 30 drivers for the event - you can register for this event at

Historian: No Report.

Membership: Members at Large:  Mike Valentine reported he is going to Putnam Park Race Course in two weeks for their 26th annual Pumpkin Run HPDE event.  Mike is instructing and participating in Instructor Certification training.  Mike will have his GT4 RS on the track.

Ambassador:  Kandiss Ruggiero reported she is having a Cars & Coffee event at her Milford residence September 15, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to celebrate her birthday.  See email blasts with details and address information.

Social Events:  No report.

Rallye/Tours:  No report.

Past President:  No report.

Safety: No report.

Technical:  No report.

Web Site:  Paul Sonada reports that in the last 30 days have had 2,200 unique visitors to our page, 900 new visitors that went to the Taste of Harrison page, 1,000 site searches, 500 social media visitors, 12 new requests to join our Facebook page and OVR PCA now has our own Flickr service that will allow unlimited photos.  

Old Business:   Reminder that all Bent Pylon articles need to be submitted to Paul Sonada at 

New Business:  Paul Kunkel addressed the Board promoting the annual Wheels Back on Monmouth car show on 10/20/24.  He is seeking assistance judging cars and is looking for 8-10 judges for the event.  If interested please contact him at (839) 240-7683.

Good of Order:  None to report.   

Motion to adjourn:  

Vice President Nucete motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m.; seconded and approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chuck Lindsey, OVR PCA Secretary


September 2024


Idiots in Cars